
Caos, aleatoriedad, fractales y audio


Text sobre caos, aletorietat, fractals i so per Roc Jiménez. Congut com EVOL, artista sonor que treballa a Barcelona. Si podeu investigueu sobre ell, esta interessant, a col·laborat en el Memorabilia del MACBA, per exemple, a tocat al Moog o festivals com el Sonar, i fa poc va organitzar el http://supersimetria.info/. També te projecció internacional.

L Pau.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Told ya so...spineless JEB BUSH is going after the ZETAS 99 - ARIZONA.
Just like ROVE- BIDEN- GORE- they are blaming it on the " bad boys".
Like TEDTOT- DISATEDA - HEINTZ had nothing " to do " with it!
But the students, they are fucking the QUEEN left and right and so is KILLA HILLA with KILLA WATT.
LACHILL..the most spineless of all goes with BERRIRO- CROW- CARMEN!
For deals.
NAMETER anybody?